Most of the solid wastes, like paper, plastic containers, bottles, cans, and even used cars and electronic goods are not biodegradable, which means they do not get broken down through inorganic or organic processes. Thus, when they accumulate they pose a health threat to people.
Additionally decaying wastes also attract household pests and result in urban areas becoming unhealthy, dirty, and unsightly places to reside in. Moreover, it also causes damage to terrestrial organisms.
Littering is a form of land pollution that is illegal in many countries but despite these seeming "problem solvers," there still lie the undermining problem. A popular example is the system by Walt Disney where bins are placed 12 feet apart. Why? Because it was noticed that the average person walks twelve feet then drops his/her litter.
The best ways to tackle to littering is not only through public awareness and fines to scare some people into following the law but also to teach our children to do the right thing and dispose of their litter properly. Recycling factories that were established by Governments should be utilized for non-biodegradable material.
In Guyana, we can utilise our refuse for example by re-using our plastic bags, return glass bottles to the beverage companies, re-use your water bottles and other items.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
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