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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where is the truth?

Being a journalist does not mean I do not have my own opinions. The trade demands we be as unbalanced as possible and to write the facts. However, my blog is my avenue to deal with issues that seem to be revolving but not being solved.
My bone of contention this morning is with a story I read in one of the dailies. Excellent story covered from all angles. However what is wrong with it? My question in answer to that is “why does the Guyana Police Force seem to wait until people are executed to say that they were involved in criminal activities? A dead man could never defend his name and the truth could never be found.
This is not the first case. For the last couple of months, we had the Campbellville killing, the Cummings Lodge killing in which a toddler died among others. Only last week an Industry businessman was shot dead. Police said it was an execution style killing. The 31 year old man leaves behind a wife and six children.
Now pointing all this out, I would assume it would be better to send a man to jail than to leave his children fatherless. Is it better when society loses a member to death? What happened to being reformed? We give drug users the opportunity to go to rehab and reform their lives but why isn’t the same help extended to people involved in criminal activities?
Some people may want my head for those two last statements but they stand unapologetically. A good example of how that can be done is pursuing these suspicious elements and giving them a plea bargain. If they refuse, send them to jail, plain and simple than accusing a dead man. Remember, dead men tell no tales.

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